Authenticity and accuracy
Ever tried to order cheap and not so accurate stuff on eBay? Don’t be tricked, we’re different. My Car's Look hand-designs graphics on real cars before proceeding with the design on a computer. This way paint is accurately matches vinyl color, and stripes and vinyl lay accurately on each bend, on each body line of your car. Some eBay vendors with little practice or lousy websites might sell you copied screenshot versions of what we offer, then deteriorate the quality of the picture by creating mutilated lines, wrong colors or sizes.
We take into account the aerodynamics of your car’s shapes and lines, which images on a screen do not resemble. We design graphics that adjust for these lines when applying straight stripes and lines on the car. For instance, in a side view image found online, one might not see a Porsche 997 Carrera 4S being 1.7” wider compared to a Porsche 997 GT3. The same goes for a logo on a Porsche 997 Turbo that was shifted by 2.5 inches compared to the one on a Porsche 996 Turbo. We value and use the experience and detail-orientation.
We at My Car's Look use exclusively cast vinyl wrapping vinyl provided by top companies: 3M, Oracal and Avery, which grants the paint-look and makes the material to embrace perfectly around each curve and line of your car without damages (ripping, peeling off, discoloration). As opposed to inexperienced vendors on eBay, we use quality material that is made to last. Our vinyl does not peel around the boundaries of the design and when removed, does not leave stains or remove the paint from the car.
Design innovation
My Car's Look graphics are innovative and high-end, mixing modern tendencies to deliver the all-time favorite Porsche 911 experience and look, and keeping in mind that you are unique. Everything we and you can imagine is possible to tailor especially for you and your car. We are there to set the new trends in design, and make My Car's Look your number one choice.